Blood in stool & Black Stool

I had a black poo and asked to do a qfit test, came back 14.

I had a Gastroscopy and colonoscopy today. I was told both normal. I have just had a read and it says standard biopsies taken for the Gastroscopy why would this be done if nothing seen. I was a bit out of it just mind hearing they done biopsies which is routine for celiac.

need to what 14days for final consultation and probably results.

worried sick why taken these don’t understand.

thank you

  • Hello, and thanks for your post,

    It sounds like the doctors felt that both the gastroscopy and colonoscopy were all normal and I would be encouraged by what they have said.

    Without being involved in your care I can't really say what biopsies they took. There may have been some small polyps which are often benign (not cancerous) but I can't say.

    If you haven't got a follow up appointment then the hospital will be writing to your GP so you could always discuss this with them. It will take a couple of weeks for the results to come back.

    Try if you can not to over think it for now.

    I do hope you know more soon.

    All the best,
