
Hi i have i would guess around 50-60 moles on my upper body all seem to be different shapes, sizes , different colours and textures, around 5 years ago after losing a couple of aunts in their 50's i went to see my GP practice to get them looked at and the person i saw asked me which moles i wanted to be examined, i had no idea i was hoping she could help me, i never did get referred to see anyone. Just yesterday after swimming someone commented on my moles in a helpful way, so i guess im asking is what do i do next that would help me get them looked at, many thanks mike.

  • Hi Mike, and thank you for posting.

    If you feel that you have any moles that have changed in appearance do go along to the GP to get them checked out.

    If you are just generally enquiring about how to look after yourself and your skin I have some links that may be useful.

    This is the Cancer Research UK page on symptoms and checking moles.

    These are also from our website on the risks and causes of skin cancer and this focuses on the sun and UV..

    Take care and if you find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline the number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040. The lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Friday.


  • Hi Sarah thanks for the swift reply are any of these online apps any good or anything similar that you can recommend , the ones that you can upload photos of your moles too and they advise you, thanks again Mike 

  • Hello there and thanks for the reply

    As far as we are aware there are various skin assessing apps that can be purchased but cannot recommend one specifically. It looks like at one point that skin vision was in partnership with both the NHS and Melanoma UK.

    There are also mole mapping clinics (again that need to be paid for) via private health care providers that can be search up on the internet.

    As my colleague Sarah said if you are concerned about a mole in particular do get it checked by your GP who can refer you onto dermatology ( skin specialist) if needed.

    All the best
