2ww Non-specific

Can anyone tell me what to expect from a face to face appointment?

I have some weight loss it's not drastic about 3 stone in total my stomach h is still swollen though.


Itchy skin

Extreme fatigue. I can fall asleep whilst doing stuff

Extremely painful hands and feet, foot pain is in the heel bone.

I am either constipated and have to help myself poo (sorry tmi) or its very soft

My bloods are

White 11.60x10*9/l

Red blood 4.39x10* 12/l

Haemoglobin s concentrate 131g/l

Hematocrit 0.413 l/l

Mean cell 94.1

Mean cell haemoglobin 317g/l

Red blood cell distribution width 12.9%

Platelet 245 10*9/l

Neutrophils 6.72 10*9/l

Lymphocyte count 3.5y 10*9/l

Monocyte count 1.07 10*9/l

Eosinophil count 0.04 10*9/l

Nucleated Red blood cell count 0

FIT clear

Liver clear

Kidneys clear

Heart normal size, slightly inflated lungs and diaphragm 

  • Hello Mellymoo74 and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear about the symptoms you have and appreciate this must be a concern for you.

    It sounds like you have had several tests carried out that haven't really highlighted a cause for this.

    Unfortunately as nurses we aren't involved in the diagnosis of patients so we cannot say what might be causing this for you, nor can we interpret test results.

    I am glad you are going to see your doctor again. I can't say exactly what will happen but usually they are likely to reassess your symptoms and then examine you. They will look at the test results carried out so far and then decide what other tests or referrals may be needed to find out more.

    Symptoms can be caused by many different things and sometimes it is a process of elimination before getting some answers. However in most cases symptoms are caused by something other than a cancer, so hang in there for now.

    I hope the appointment goes well and you find out more soon.

    Take care


  • Thank you, my question was around what to expect at the 2ww face to face consultation I have coming up a week tomorrow.

    I personally think its auto immune rather than anything cancer related. I am pleased the gp is taking it seriously though and understand why they have used the 2ww and that the concern is possible lymphoma.

    Am I likely to have more tests etc is what I really want to know 

  • Hi there again

    I am sorry I misunderstood the appointment you are going to.

    The GP has referred you to the hospital so that a specialist can assess you and give their opinion about what may be going on.

    On the day they may be able to give you their thoughts or suggestions about what could be causing this, but if they are unsure or need further information they may be wanting to run more tests.

    I'm afraid no one here can say for sure what is going to happen on the day or if you will need more tests so try and sit tight for now and see what they have to say.

    Waiting and not knowing can be both unsettling and worrying so try and keep yourself busy with other things if you can.

    Best wishes
