Metastatic breast cancer

I have been on Phesgo for 18 months but it is no longer effective. It has been suggested I could go on Kadcyla or Enhertu. Has anyone experience of these drugs.

  • Hello ragga and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear that your current treatment isn't working anymore. You have said that the doctors are recommending other types of her2 positive treatments and are asking for other patients experiences with these. Whilst anyone is welcome to post on the ask the nurses section of cancer chat you may get more responses posting on other threads as well.

    There is information about kadcyla (Trastuzumab emtansine) and Enhertu (Trastuzumab deruxtecan) on our website. These can be considered as options for some patients if previous her2 positive treatments have ceased working.

    Do also speak with your specialist doctor and nurses about this to decide what is best for you.

    Best wishes
