Diarrhea for weeks


I hope u can help me because I'm going out of my mind with worry. I'm 72 and have suffered with terrible stomach problems since my 40s. Ibs and Gerd and recently this year developed quite a few intolerances to food. 

But for the past 3 weeks I've had diarrhea after eating everything

 I've tested negative for bacteria and had a fecal test the calprotein one and it came up abnormal with a score of 62. There is no blood I'm my stools but I'm extremely bloated and in pain with my stomach in no specific part. 

They are now testing me for colon cancer and I'm terrified I've got it. Please can u help me with any advice you might have. 

  • Hello Laurajay and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about your situation. I can understand how unsettling it must be to be told that you may have a possible cancer.

    We do have some information about getting diagnosed which explains some of the tests that the doctors may want to do. 

    It  is hard waiting for the results of the different investigations but it is important that the doctors get as much information as they can to find the the cause of your symptoms.

    Make a list of any questions that you have and get the doctors to explain about the different investigations they are doing. 

    When a cancer is suspected all the results are discussed at a large formal meeting where all the different doctors involved in your care meet to discuss your case.

    It can help to have a friend or relative with you when you have appointments as there is often a lot of information to take on board.

    Try and take one day at a time and don't over think it all.

    You are welcome to ring and discuss any of this with one of the helpline nurses. Our number is freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.

    All the best,
