Alternative scan for Bone Marrow Cancer


My mum went for her MRI scan today but couldn’t go through with it because she felt really claustrophobic. She had taken Diazepam before, but still couldn’t go through with it.

My question is: Is there a different kind of scan that could be offered that would show how much of her bones were affected or is an MRI scan the only way?

My mum has a biopsy next week and a follow up 3 weeks after, where she will be told the results.

Thank you in advance for your help.


  • Hello Helen and thank you for posting.

    I'm sorry Mum is struggling with her claustrophobia with everything else she has going on.

    Do talk to her team about the bone scan, they may suggest something else. There are 'open' MRI scanners, but they are only in certain areas and private clinics.

    Take care Helen, and I hope this gets sorted for Mum soon. If you want to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Friday.
