Risk in immunotherapy for patient with amyloidosis

My husband has cancer which has spread. Doctor has said he will have immunotherapy, but amyloidosis has shown up in MRI brain scan. However, he is completely asymptomatic and is a fit and energetic man. Have been told that in a few rare cases, amyloidosis can worsen with immunotherapy. I feel that surely immunotherapy must have been given to thousands of people who have some degree of amyloidosis. Can this really prevent him from receiving immunotherapy? I've looked on the internet but can find no links. I wondered if you might know any more about it please? Thank you.

  • Hello Vee and thank you for posting.

    Unfortunately, we cannot give a medical opinion on the care that your husband should or shouldn't have. You both must understand the decisions that are made, so please do talk it through with your husband's doctor and/or specialist nurse.

    What I can say is that all treatments have to be weighed up with their benefit or risk to a patient. The doctors can not give treatment that they know may make someone's situation worse not better.

    Take care Vee and if you find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline the number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040. The lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Friday.
