Is a Atypical Lipomatous Tumour classed as Cancer?


In 2019, around 2 years after having my 2nd child I was getting out of the bath, and as I put my leg up to step over the edge i felt a large lump. This panicked me, although I initially thought it was muscle that I had bulked up from going to the gym, but my husband agreed it felt "odd". I was sent for a Ultrasound, followed by MRI which showed a benign lipoma deep in my thigh muscle. Later on that year it was removed with margins, (it was 8cm) and histology came back confirming it was just a benign lipoma, all was great and I started healing from surgery and didn't look back.

2022, I noticed a new lump in the same place, only small but it felt clear to me that it was there. MRI was done which showed a 3cm reoccurrence, everyone just said this was a benign lipoma like the last one and nothing was done in a great rush, in fact it took around 8 months after the MRI to get it removed...

The histology came back Friday after they held a MDT meeting, I have not seen my sarcoma team yet - I am booked in to go and see them tomorrow for them to tell me the news (they don't know my GP has already sent me the report). The report says "Features are of a Atypical Lipomatous Tumor, Predominantly Lipoma-like with focal sclerosing morphology, MDM2 positive, Locally aggressive" 

I was just wondering, is this a cancer? or it benign?

Thank you 

  • Hello and thank you for your post.

    By now you may have seen your sarcoma team who hopefully has given you more information about the results you have seen. I am afraid,  we cannot diagnose you and tell you what this means. This is because we are nurses and are not part of the team caring for you.

    I realise this is worrying so I hope information explaining this can help you understand your situation more.

    You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am

    Take care,
