Outcomes following Axillary Lymph Node Clearance


I'm hoping someone could offer some advice as I find knowing what is coming over the hill helps me and my family. My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer in March. She had a lumpectomy in May when three lymph nodes were removed. Two of these lymph nodes tested positive for cancer.  She is now due to have axillary node clearance this week. I understand that if the results are good we will revert back to radiotherapy, but if the cancer has spread further throughout the lymph nodes is there a chance that the next steps will change to involve more surgery or chemo? I appreciate sometimes it is difficult to predict the results of the procedures, but it just helps me (and my mum) to know what the options are. We should have really asked at our last appointment but we were both upset that the cancer was found in the lymph nodes when the MRI scan seemed to indicate that it hadn't spread at all.

Many thanks in advance of your replies.

  • Hi Norburybear and thank you for posting,

    I am sorry to learn that your mum has breast cancer this must be a difficult time for you all.

    Several things are looked at when planning treatment, such as how fast-growing the cancer is (the grade), the size of the tumour and how far it has spread (stage), the characteristics of the cells whether or not there are specific proteins or hormone receptors as well as person's general health, whether or not they have other health conditions. This information helps the doctors look at the risk of cancer coming back after surgery and if add-on (adjuvant) treatment like chemotherapy should be given to reduce that risk.

    If cancer cells are found in the lymph nodes chemotherapy may be recommended, your mum's team will be able to clarify this, it may also depend on whether or not the cancer cells have hormone receptors. If not this is known as negative hormone receptor breast cancer which means hormone therapy will not be beneficial so chemotherapy may be given.

    Once your mum's breast cancer team have all the information they need, they will be able to give your mum much more information.

    I hope this helps a little and your mum's axillary node clearance goes OK and she does not have to wait too long for the results. Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care, all the best,


  • Thank you Jemma. My mum had the operation 2 weeks ago and we are now awaiting the results. These are not due for another 4 weeks which seems an awfully long time to wait. Once we receive the results will chemotherapy or radiotherapy start straight away or will there be a wait? 

    Mum was diagnosed with grade 2 invasive carcinoma mixed with lobular features plus DCIS and LCIS, ER8, PR7, kI-67 10, HER2 neg. She's now had a lumpectomy and as two of the three lymph nodes removed showed signs of cancer, they proceeded with a Axillary lymph node clearance. I assume the next step will depend on how many of the lymph nodes removed showed signs of cancer? The CT scan showed no sign of any further spread.

  • Hello and thank you for coming back to us. 

    Once Mum's results come back from the axillary clearance they will discuss what treatment they recommend.

    It is important for mum to recover and heal from the surgery first before having further treatment, and this time will allow her to do that. Once she has, and they have gone through her results, the hospital team will be able to say what they feel is best for Mum to have next.

    Take care and if you want to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline the number is Freephone 0808 800 4040. The lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Friday.
