Pink discharge

I am post menapausel and have been getting stinging after sex, the other wk I had a pink discharge once at the same time I got some lubrication which I put in with a applicator when I had further pink discharge and a spot of blood then it stoppedand I was in pain in the same place.

Went to the hospital they checked me out and saw nothing unusual and she throught that it was dryness and that I had nicked my self when using the applicator. She gave me some hormone cream and they after thinking said she was going to send me for a scan.

Since I have used the cream? she gave me I have had no stinging and no sign of any blood or pink at all

Now I have had a call from the hospital to go for a consultation next monday. not a scan.

I have terrible health anxiety and am really worried now and fearing the worse

Any help would be much appreciated

  • Hello there and thanks for the post

    Please try not to worry too much for now. Most symptoms have a simple cause that isn't serious but it is important to get this sort of thing checked out just to be on the safe side.

    It is good to hear that since using the cream the stinging and pink, blood tinged discharge has settled down.

    Hopefully going to see the gynaecologist will be able to put your mind at ease as they assess you further. They may still wish for you to have an ultrasound just to check all the female organs out but don't be worried about this if they do,  they are probably only wanting to be thorough.

    I hope the appointment goes well and that it can give you some peace of mind.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Best wishes


  • Thank you for that, I had a call late yesterday afternoon from the scan dept they had a cancellation for 9am Thursday and did I want that they were lovely and said at least next monday the consultant would have everything

    I did ask would they be able to tell me if it looked ok they said sometimes they would 

    I am just so stressed over it all and worrying about it

    I am taking some comfort that there has been no sign of the pink discharge and sorness is all gone