Suspicious Breast Lump

Hello, fairly new to the site.

So weeks ago i had a bit of pain my breast with prompted me to have a feel and i felt a lump upper outer quadrant of the breast. It does feel moveable of some sort.

I had my appointment at breast clinic first an ultrasound and mammagram followed by vacuum biopsy. I spoke to the consultant afterwards who i found was quite harsh about it and just said prepare in your mind its bad news.. was no reassurance or anything and i just cried and wanted to go home to my 2 year old. I recieved my letter from the findings from that day. It says it is 2cm with subtle ridge like nodularity. Can someome please explain more what this means? Does it mean it just has a small noticable ridge to it? Thats why its suspicious? Been living in limbo now for a week and feel like its hell every day ;( im only 33. If anyone can please give some advice etc im here to listen. Thank you x

  • Hello GL91.  Sorry to hear what you are going through.  Why not contact your GP and ask him (or her) exactly what's going on.  Did the consultant actually give you a diagnosis?  It is cancerous?  Or is it simply a harmless lump?  I am really sorry that your consultant seems to be completely lacking in empathy.  You need to chase this up and find out EXACTLY what this lump is, and IF it is cancerous, what is the treatment plan.    Good luck. 

  • They did not say if it was just.. on my later it says they are treating the lump as suspicious and will discuss the findings with me in clinic. I have an appointment Thursday to discuss results etc.. not sure how i am going to walk in. The actual consultant was off i think so it was a nurse that had taken over.. thats all she said to me. There was no do you need anything or what it could actually be.. she was like a robot to be honest. 

  • Hello and thank you for your post.

    Unfortunately,  we are not able to tell you what this means, it has to be discussed with you by the doctor you see in the clinic.

    I realise that this is a tough time for you, waiting for results and what they mean is never easy.  So, I hope you find out soon.

    I hope you have support and remember that you may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care,
