Brown mucus in my poo

Sorry for asking again I have had my bowl screening and it came back but now when I go to the loo the is all brow mucus coming out I have had a ct scan on my tummy and that was OK so I am just wondering if it nothing thanks 

  • Hello and thanks for your further post.

    Bowel symptoms or changes can be caused by ordinary everyday problems that people may get from time to time. This can often be related to a change in diet, food intolerance and sensitivities. and viral infections. Bowel symptoms are very common and usually settle down over time.

    We always encourage people to make an appointment with their GP if their symptoms are persisting. Doctors are trained to assess symptoms and can arrange tests if they feel it’s necessary to try to find out what might be going on.

    I hope things improve for you soon.

    Kind regards,
