Advice - lumps

I have been having weight loss and unexplained bruising for a while now. The past couple of months Iv been having really bad lower back pain that doesn’t ease with pain relief and really bad fatigue. My GP sent me bloods tests which came back with folate deficiency, slightly raised mcv and mch with slightly low RBC, I also had positive ANAs. I have been put on 5mg folic acid. Yesterday I found 2 lumps in my groin which Iv had looked at by my GP. She also found another one in my groin, neck & armpit. I have been advised to to keep and eye on them. Do you think I should get a second opinion? 

  • Hello Hmck and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear you haven't been feeling quite yourself recently. Unfortunately no one here can say what may be causing this.

    Lymph nodes often enlarge when someone has a current or recent infection but if these aren't particularly concerning to the doctor there may be no reason to refer a patient on.

    If symptoms persist or get worse, you remain concerned or notice more lumps or a change in the size of these you should go back to the doctor again. You can always ask to see a different GP if you prefer.

    Best wishes
