Is my mum lying?

My mum told me she was diagnosed with bladder cancer last year. She never specified what kind. She was told a less than 12 month prognosis. In December she told me she had until April and between then, she's been told its not as aggressive as first anticipated. In this same breath, she says her doctors don't know her staging or grading? She has has immunotherapy and 2 biopsies. She is alcohol dependent and was going to the pub during treatments? I live in a different city so I only get information she will share. We have a broken relationship and my brother is living with her who is also an alcoholic. He insists they have never been told any staging and now all the doctors are saying is its not getting any better or worse. No prognosis again or anything. She will not let me speak with one of her specialists. Not a single mention of any hospice or palliative care services when she was saying she was going to die. Nothing. Just her word and pictures of letters with blood appointments.

My mum has told me so many lies throughout my life. She lied that my brother had testicular cancer when i was a child. I just NEED some insight if this is realistic what shes said over the last year? Could she be lying? I've been to see her in the hospital but it wasn't a cancer ward, she was recovering from surgery when she had a bloodclot removed. That's the only time I've seen her in hospital. Is it possible for doctors not to give a staging but can give a prognosis? Can they give treatment not knowing a stage/grade? Can they simply say, we don't know a year later?

  • Hello Delilah24,

    I  can appreciate it must be difficult for you not to have a clear picture of your mum's situation and that there is a lot of uncertainty. I'm afraid we can't say if she is telling the truth about having cancer as we are not involved in her care.

    Different treatments are used for bladder cancer depending on a person's situation. There are several things that doctors look at when planning treatment, such as the type of cancer, how big it is, how far it has spread (stage) how well a person is generally, and whether or not they have any other health conditions. All of this information needs to be known first before treatment is given.

    You may find it helpful to read our information on bladder cancer which includes the stages and grade of bladder cancer and how it is treated.

    I hope this and the above links help a little. Please feel free to get back to us if you need any more information or support.  

    Take care, all the best


  • Thank you Jemma. It's quite a dark situation and I know you can't confirm if she's telling the truth. It was more trying to understand if they would start all this treatment and give her a prognosis without staging. Just didn't make sense to me. Thank you for this information. Great work being done on this site. Take care.