Bladder cancer

Hi, my mum has a very large tumor on her bladder, to cut a long story short because of her other health issues there is nothing they can do, except treat each symptom as it comes. She is having another CT scan in a couple of weeks to see if it has spread anywhere else. My only real question at this stage is what to expect, what are the symptoms that maybe coming her way? any guidance would be greatly appreciated so I can support her the best way possible. Many thanks

  • Hello kayev and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about your mum and I can understand that you want to do all you can to help her.

    We have some general symptoms on advanced bladder cancer and how someone can be affected. You can see some of the symptoms here.

    This may include difficulty passing urine, weight loss, blood in the urine lack of appetite and pain or discomfort. If she has pre-existing health conditions this may also have an effect on some of her symptoms.

    It is difficult to be too precise without being involved in her care but if you can attend one of your mum's appointments then this will give you an opportunity to ask questions.

    It is important that when she attends any appointment with the doctors that she makes them aware of how she is feeling and whether she is having any symptoms so they can get on top of these.

    We do have a page on our website about support at home when someone has advanced bladder cancer which you might find helpful to look at.

    Symptoms that your mum may experience will depend on if and where the cancer has spread.

    We also have some information about how to support someone with cancer

    You may find it more helpful to ring and chat through this with one of the nurses on the helpline.

    Our number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.

    All the best,
