Throat cancer

Any advice please

my partner has had , ultra sound x 2, mri, ct scan & pet scan plus biopsy.. There is a lump in the side of neck plus after pet scan another lump is by tonsils .another op is due soon for another biopsy in throat. They’ve not said the actual word “cancer” but all appointments are at cancer clinic and now they’re moving very quickly. After the op, they’ve said it’ll either be chemo & radiotherapy or an operation. It’s all a bit confusing?

  • Hello and thanks for posting

    I'm sorry to read about everything that has being going on so far with your partner. This must be a worrying time for you both.

    Having tests and investigations doesn't necessarily mean your partner has cancer. But it does mean that the doctors are taking the possibility seriously. The various scans provides different information to help doctors make a diagnosis. The biopsy will usually confirm if the neck lump is cancerous or not.

    Although the doctors have mentioned surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy it means that they are preparing for potential treatment options based on the biopsy and scan results. The treatments are commonly used for cancer. But surgery and radiotherapy can also be used for other conditions too.

    It's quite common for results to be discussed at a multidisciplinary team (MDT) meeting, made up of many different health professionals who will discuss what the next step may be in treating a condition. A decision is usually reached when all the test results are known.

    Hopefully, you will both know more soon. Give us a ring if you would like to talk anything over.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,
