Dad has metastatic bladder cancer

Been told today that treatment hasn’t worked and nothing more can be done. Dad was given 3 months last September and we are now at 10 months.  He has lost 10kg in 2 weeks . I wasn’t there to do g at the results as I’ve been I’ll with covid but just an idea of how long we have would have helped me 

  • Hello and thank you for posting.

    I am sorry to hear about Dad with his diagnosis of metastatic bladder cancer, it can be so hard seeing someone you love unwell. It may be that Dad has a specialist nurse (CNS) who can talk to you about what was said in the meeting. Or they might even be able to get his doctor to talk to you too. 

    It may be that your dad is now referred to a palliative care team if he hasn't been already. This team will visit him at home and are experts in symptom management and are emotional family support too. Once they have seen Dad, and assessed him, they would be able to give you an idea of how things are going and what they feel his prognosis is (how long he has left).

    We do have further information on our website which may be hard for you to read at this time, but might answer some other questions you have.

    Take care and if you want to talk any of this through with one of the nurses on our helpline the number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040. The lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Friday.
