Sex impossible, year after chemo finished

Hi, I had a stem cell transplant 20months ago. When I recovered from worst I wanted to resume intimacy with my husband and realised I couldn't have sex as it was too painful. I've been on Hrt Evorel patches and Ovestin cream for nearly a year now but it didn't improve things down there. (Lubricants do not help really.) GP run some tests and my vaginal environment is not acidy enough. Can anyone suggest things to help? I'm only 48 and feel it's too early to pack it up (sex). Though I'm completely grateful I'm still here, I miss sex. Thank you

  • Hello and thank you for posting,

    As cancer information nurses and not being involved in your care, unfortunately, we cannot recommend treatments or give a medical opinion. It might be worth having a chat with your GP again and letting them know that you are still having issues with vaginal dryness (also known as urogenital atrophy). You could ask if you could be referred to a specialist such as a gynaecologist or a menopause consultant at your local hospital (if there is one).

    I am linking you to a urogenital atrophy leaflet in PDF written by the Liverpool Womens NHS Trust, which has useful information about urogenital atrophy which includes vaginal dryness. You could also see if your local hospital trust has anything like this available on their website.

    You may have seen this already we have information on our website on sex and sex hormones, which talks about vaginal dryness and may have some suggestions that you have not tried.

    It may also be worth looking at some of the organisations that support women who are going through menopause such as Balance which provides information, and there is community support through an app. The Menopause Charity provides information and advice on menopause including symptoms and HRT.

    I hope this helps a little. Please feel free to get back to us again. You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Friday.

    Take care, all the best,
