Pre Prostate Consultation

Hi there

Thank you in advance for bearing with me; I am new to this. My husband, mid 40s, had a very raised PSA (8.4) in a health check.  MRI confirmed need for a biopsy, and we will get the results on Friday.  I am aware that he is potentially super lucky to have found something early and that hopefully we will have options, but I am also worried that it could be something really serious, due to the PSA.  I would love reassurance ( if possible) that early detection of prostate cancer has a good chance of good outcomes and that his chance of being well/ cancer free are high post treatment.  We have lost many close friends in their 40s to cancer over the past few years, hence why I think I’m a bit up and down.

Thanks so much ; I am very grateful for your help. 

  • Hello there and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear your husband is undergoing some tests at the moment. This must be a worrying time for you both but it seems you are to find out the results this week, so that's good.

    Try not to let your thoughts run away with you for now. The most important thing is to firstly find out if this is prostate cancer and if so it's grade ( how different and fast growing the cells are) and stage ( size, position and whether it has spread anywhere else). The specialist is the person to ask these questions to.

    If this is found to be cancer and it has been caught at an early stage like with other cancer types these are usually more easily and successfully treated.

    With prostate cancer there often are a number of treatment options available, which will be discussed with your husband if a diagnosis of cancer is made. Decisions about treatment are made by a team of specialists looking at all the information about a patients cancer as well as the general health and fitness of a person. Not all treatments are suitable or needed for everyone.

    Take things one step at a time for now. Keeping yourself busy and your mind on other things can be helpful until you are given all the information about what is going on, and what  may need to happen next.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,


  • Thanks so much, Naomi.  This is super helpful and I am very grateful.  I will keep busy until Friday and then try and take notes in the consultation and go from there:

    Thanks again for taking the time to reply.