Ultra sound results

Hello please can someone answer my questions as its driving me crazy with worry .

I had 2 ultra sounds done on lump on my right shoulder/neck where your bra strap sits, I heard lady in first scan say to her colleague that's a lymph node and then checked rest my neck/throat etc .

Then I had scan with lady next door as its slightly on my shoulder and guess more advanced but come away being told they can't say right now what it's is as it's complex and ill need MRI .

My doctor then called me that eve to confirm that an mri is needed as they found something they wasn't happy with 

Then explained to me how a cyst or fatty lump don't need a vessel? Or something on that nature but my lump/node is showing that of a vessel?? But said they can't say what it is untill mri and biopsy 

I guess what im asking is do they really NOT know if its cancer by the ultra sound or do they but want be sure ?? Cause if they do surley I should be told evan if they not 100% sure just to make me aware. 

Thank you for listening to me waffle on I'm just beside myself atm as I could be waiting a while for this MRI and if its Is cancer isit gonna spread....

  • Hi if I were you I'd call your GP and say that it's causing you a huge amount of worry and what kind of things could this lump be. 

    If they think it's cancer I imagine they will want the MRI done fairly quickly. Ask your GP if you've been referred to any hospital consultant and if so get their name, ask if you've been referred under the 2 weeks wait, this will give you some idea how serious they think. It is.

    Let us know how you get on x 

  • Hello thank you for the reply 

    Ok I think I'll give them a call as I cant go on not knowing nothing other then from what his said indirectly which makes me feel the worse ,I just would hope that if they had a suspicion they would at least tell me and keep me in loop ,it's the vessel part that's worrying me as chances are seems alot higher being cancerous then not ,

    Sorry I sound so negative it's been a hard day today my heads gone made overthinking xx

  • I'm currently waiting for test results and I too am suffering with severe anxiety.

    My bro in law is a sonographer so I asked him about the vessel and he said cancerous and benign lumps can both have a blood supply. 

    If you get the name of the consultant you are under at the hospital you'll be able to call their consultant to ask about MRI dates. 

  • Really????

    So why couldn't my doctor say this so I had a little more hope then before they must know how peoples minds will play with them and think the worse .

    I will try find out whom I'm under at the hospital and see if they can help me with the appointment date ,

    I'm sorry hear that your also on the waiting game its just awful isn't it,how are you finding the best way to cope with your anxiety? I try keep busy and take walks on the beach with my dog I find it does help some what and being on here is really helping I'm finding xx

  • Anxiety is awful, I'd rather just know so I can deal with whatever the results are, not knowing is worse I think.

    My dogs have been my therapy too.  We live in Guernsey so beach walks, reading and trying to breathe telling myself whatever it is I can cope with, but its so hard :( 

  • I agree it really can he hard at times ,im single mum so the eves are hardest for me once little one in bed, or when my little girls talks about anything in the future I just kinda start to well up and hide it from her ,

    Beach walks are amazing I love people watching to but then can change again into feeling sad ...this is anxiety and fighting that in itself is challenging BUT we are stronger then we think and should he super proud of ourselves everyone on this forum and beyond are soliders ,please keep in contact I've chatted with someone amazing people on here that I'd love to hear from ,support and laugh with :-) xxx

  • Hello mumaof2 and thanks for the post

    It is a worry undergoing tests but for now, there is no way of knowing what this lump is being caused by.

    Doctors don't arrange further scans and tests unless they need further and clearer information about what the problem may be. It sounds like the ultrasound showed up some abnormal features but couldn't confirm exactly what this is which is why they are arranging the MRI and biopsy.

    Waiting and not knowing is unsettling, but try not to overthink things until you have had the tests and the results are back, which is the only way a cancer can be ruled in or out as a possibility.

    I am sure if they are concerned about the cause they will be wanting to get the scan done as quickly as possible, so hang in there for now. Please try not to let your thoughts run away with you.

    I hope you know more soon and that everything will be okay.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Best wishes,


  • Hello noami,

    Thank you so much for the reply ,im trying so much to not think the worse but its one them things isn't it makes you literally question your life ,future and what's going to become. 

    I will keep in touch and thank you again xx