Thyroid Biopsy results, can anyone help with what it means please??

Hi All, 

I am awaiting a 2nd round of biopsy results and the wait is driving me insane, the Dr said its possible I may have to have the left side of my Thyroid removed. But all chats with him seem really vague and he doesn't seem to be letting a lot go. 

I have received a letter with what was come back, but don't really understand what it means. Can anyone help? 

''Left sided Thyroid Nodule, Cytology of this has come back Thy3a all be it with Scanty cells in the aspiration''. 

Thankyou in advance for your help. 

  • Hello and thank you for posting,

    It can be stressful and difficult waiting for biopsy results. 

    When a fine needle aspiration (FNA) is done the cells are examined closely to see how abnormal they are compared to normal cells and are classified according to how likely they are to be cancerous.

    In the UK the Thy classification is used which goes from THY 1- THY5.

    Thy1- is non diagnostic (a diagnosis cannot be made) Thy 2 -is no cancer, Thy 3- is abnormal cells seen, that are probably not cancer but a repeat biopsy or removal of part of the thyroid with the nodule is advised, Thy 4- abnormal cells are seen and are likely to be cancerous, repeat biopsy or surgery to remove the nodule is advised and THY 5-is cancer and surgery to remove all or part of the thyroid is recommended.

    So it sounds like abnormal cells have been seen which is why a second biopsy has been done, they are probably not cancer but a second biopsy is needed to clarify this. However it is the specialist who knows your situation who will be able to confirm this. Until the consultant has the 2nd biopsy results things are going to be vague and uncertain which is difficult for you. 

    I hope this helps a little. There is good patient information about thyroid biopsy results on the Cambridge University Hospitals website. Please feel free to get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    I hope you have more information soon, take care all the best 
