Worried about Pagets Breast Disease

Hi I'm quite worried that I may have Pagets Breast Diease.

Can you recommend any online doctors which I can send some pictures to as I really dont have any faith in the doctors at my surgery if I'm being honest.

Many thanks


  • Hello and thanks for posting

    I'm sorry you are worried about having Paget's disease of the breast. This condition is very rare occurring in less than 5% of all women with breast cancer.

    You mention you have lost faith in your GP practice. I wonder if you have spoken to the practice manager about this. They can discuss your concerns and hopefully this issue can be resolved. Sometimes it may help to see another GP in the practice if this is possible. 

    It is not possible to have any tests or investigations without a GP's referral. Doctors are trained to assess symptoms and can arrange tests if they feel it’s necessary to try to find out what might be going on. They may consider referring you to the breast clinic for further assessment. There you would see a breast specialist or specialist nurse who will examine you. You would have a mammogram and possibly an ultrasound. A needle biopsy is usually suggested if the scan shows changes in the breast that the doctors are not sure about. This does not mean that anything is particularly wrong but the biopsy will usually confirm what it is.

    The charity Breast Cancer Now has information on what to expect when you’ve been referred to a breast clinic.

    I'm afraid we don't recommend individual doctors or hospitals.  There is a website called Goprivate.com where you can search for private doctors or hospitals that may be able to help.

    I hope everything turns out to be okay. Give us a ring if you would like to talk things over. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,
