Post Surgery for tongue cancer

Good morning,

This is the second post for my friend of 50 years who yesterday was told she was cancer free after her surgery to remove the tumour on her tongue! So happy for her. As it's only been 6 weeks from initial diagnosis to this point she is still trying to process everything. She has asked if I would post the following questions she has.

"I have lymphoedema which I think might be temporary while my missing nodes are backed up and my body works out a new drainage route. Is there anything I can do to help this. Particularly neck nodes eg sleep upright etc?!"

"Is there a recommended scar cream once my wound is healed (still scab atm)"

"Onco said I'm cancer free so what do I say on travel insurance form as we have Sams wedding in August and I need to fly"

Thanks so much everyone, all responses gratefully received.

Best wishes x

  • Hello and thank you for posting,

    I am pleased to learn that your friend has been told she is cancer-free that is great news.

    We have general information about lymphoedema and lymphoedema and exercises that are recommended on our website which I hope is useful. I'm afraid we cannot recommend any specific creams, but it might be worth your friend having a chat with her specialist nurse as they may have recommendations.

    We have some information about getting travel insurance, which gives a general idea of what questions your friend might be asked.

    I hope the links I have given go some way in answering your friend's questions. I wish her all the best.

    Please let her know she is welcome to come back to us if she needs any more information or support.  She may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.
