Pre Diagnosed

Hi I have appointment with gynecologist in 3 days and I’m so nervous! I’m 56 years old I’ve had bowel cancer in 2022 and found red sores and white areas thought there were to do with bowel radiation and chemo side effects but they don’t seem to be healing. They are not bleeding or raised. I’m so scared as after the radiation my vagina has closed and I mean completely closed. I am so scared the gynecologist will try and open it with the instrument I can’t sleep at night and feel so sick. I’m also close to cancelling the appointment. I know that wouldn’t be wise but I have read that it can all be done under a general. I’m so scared she may not listen and refuse it and want to do the biopsy (if needed) with a local. I can’t bear the thought. Please advise me what to do. My husband is coming with me to support me to make sure she stops if I request it I’m sure she’s lovely and caring. I have such bad stomach pains worrying. Please advise what’s best. Thank you 

  • Hello sweet-nanny and thanks for posting

    I am sorry we were unable to reply to you sooner, being the weekend.

    I can appreciate the worry and concerns you have about seeing the gynaecologist and the tests that may be needed. Hopefully they will or have already put you at ease. From what you said when you posted you we're being seen today.

    If you haven't been assessed yet, do let them know how anxious you are about being examined and having any internal tests carried out. I am sure they will not want to put you through any unnecessary pain or discomfort. If there is any way around this to make this a better experience I am sure they will do all then can.

    I hope you know more soon and that feel better in yourself soon.

    Best wishes


  • Hi Naomi thank you for the reply. Good news it’s not cancer. Honestly they couldn’t have been nicer. They were kind patient and listened to my concerns. It is skin damage from the radiation that will that 3-4 years to recover from but will not  grow back.The gynaecologist has prescribed some HRT cream for 6 weeks the a break for a month then try again then stop. Hopefully this helps me. 
    Best wishes