Breast cancer

I recently found a 3cm lump in my breast, I had biopsies taken (3 of them) on gettin the results I was told on a scale of 1-5 my biopsy was at 3.  I panicked and could barely speak so didn't really ask what this scale meant. Could u help? 

Also I have had the lump removed and have to wait 4 weeks, people say this is not usually that long.

Help please my mind is in overdrive

  • Hi Candycain. I'm sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I had my biopsy results on 19th April and then needed MRI and ultrasound tests. I have my surgery booked in for 26th June. 

    They should have told you what grade of cancer you have. I was told mine was grade 1. I think there are 3 grades of beeast cancer.  So I don't really know what the 1-5 scale they used to speak to you. 

    I am told the pathology results after the op are taking 4-5 weeks. So that sounds right. 

  • When I had my biopsy they told me mine was 4 on a scale of 1-5 

    1 meaning the biopsy would almost definitely be benign

    5 meaning it was definitely cancerous 

    so mine being 4 it was highly likely to be cancerous. 

    this is nothing to do with staging. Hope this helps 

  • Hello Candycain0175 and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear you are awaiting test results and appreciate what a worry this can be.

    A breast biopsy result is usually scored between 1 and 5. The result of a 3 usually means abnormal cells have been found, uncertain but often found to be benign ( meaning not cancer).

    Unfortunately you do now need to wait for the results to come back that is looking more closely at the lump. It will only be this result that can confirm for sure what this may be.

    Keeping busy and your mind on other things can help pass the time so do try this if you can.

    I hope you know more soon and that everything will be okay for you.

    Take care


  • Hello, firsty i am sorry to hear you are going through this. Im in the same boat. Had my appointment yesterday and taken biopsy for the consultant to say it looks suspicious so to prepare for bad news.