
I'm male, age 67, recently diagnosed with pre-myelofibrosis.

Bone marrow biopsy showed grade 1 fibrosis (I assume that's a one on the internationally recognised scale of zero to three). Genetic tests show I am JAK2 positive. PET scan showed mild splenomegaly. Systemic symptoms I was having (night sweats, chills, fatigue, anaemia) have largely resolved and I now feel OK. They may even have been post-covid phenomena, with the MF diagnosis being incidental, just because I was tested for so many things.

I have been looking online, including CRUK, for information. However, many reputable online sources mention "Pre-fibrotic myelofibrosis" which the World Health Organisation regards as a separate condition from myelofibrosis. Apparently one major distinction is the degree of fibrosis; 0 and 1 being "pre-fibrotic", while 2 and 3 are overt MF. The prognoses seem to be markedly different, which is why I ask...

When my haematology Consultant wrote and said "pre-MF", is it likely that's just a shorthand way of saying "pre-fibrotic MF"?

(I can't ask directly right now because having some trouble contacting them).

Many thanks for any answers!

  • Hello and thank you for your post.

    I am afraid that we cannot tell you your diagnosis. You could be right and this could mean pre-fibrotic MF,  but I am afraid you need to check this out with your doctor.  

    Sometimes clinical letters that are sent by your hospital doctor to you and your GP give more detail about the diagnosis. I am not sure if that will throw any more light on your situation.

    You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care,
