Stage IV - how long should I wait for chemo

Hi, my beloved sister has been diagnosed with stage IV ovarian cancer.  Her treatment is chemo then op but we seem to be waiting weeks for the first chemo session and I'm concerned during this time the cancer will spread and make it less treatable.  What are the NICE guildlines on how long to wait for treatment and what is a safe wait time please?

  • Hello and thank you for posting.

    I am sorry to learn of your sister's diagnosis, this must be a difficult time for you all.

    There are cancer waiting time targets which you can find on our website. I am unsure where your sister is living. As you can see the waiting times to start treatment in England, Scotland and Ireland are 62 days from the time the hospital receives an urgent suspected cancer referral. It should be no more than 31 days wait between the meeting at which a person and their doctor agree on the treatment plan and the start of treatment.

    In Wales it is slightly different, treatment should start within 62 days of when cancer is first suspected, whether it is when someone first sees their GP and they are referred to a specialist or to have tests or if they have an abnormal result of screening appointment or they are in a ward or Accident and Emergency department. 

    These are targets, and unfortunately due to the strains on the NHS, we are hearing about longer waiting times for tests and treatment throughout the UK.

    If your sister is concerned that she has been waiting too long to start treatment she could contact her cancer specialist through their secretary, or contact her nurse specialist. They know her situation and might be able to advise whether or not this will affect the outcome of any treatment. If she is still concerned she could also contact the Patient and Advice Liaison Service (PALS) at her hospital as they may be able to look into this for her.

    I hope this helps a little and that your sister gets to start her treatment soon. Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care, all the best


  • Thank you so much Jemma, this is really helpful and appreciated.