Tumour Flare in Breast Cancer


What is meant by a tumour flare in breast cancer and how does it occur and feel?

Thank you

  • Hello and thanks for the post

    Tumour flare is a term used for a couple of different things in cancer care. Without being involved directly I can't say for sure what this means in this instance definitely and it needs to be talked through with the doctor involved to get a clear understanding.

    However one instance of tumour flare is when a patient notices a sudden onset of symptoms after starting a new treatment. Whilst these can be very worrying initially it normally calms down after a week or so. These symptoms are triggered by the bodies response to the treatment often from hormonal or targeted treatments.

    Symptoms such as pain or swelling at the tumour site, swollen lymph nodes with or without a temperature, a skin rash and bone pain can also be a symptom of tumour flare.

    Tumour flare may be picked up by the doctor on the presentation of these symptoms. There may also be signs of this on any scans taken around this time where the tumour can appear to have increased in size but hasn't. When this is found the doctors will closely monitor the patient and treat with medications as required until everything resolves.

    As I say I'm afraid we cannot comment in detail on any individual patient situation here as we aren't directly involved. So we always suggest that patients speak with their own specialist doctor if they have questions about their diagnosis, or concerns about what may be going on. They are in a better position to explain exactly what this means and what else may need to happen moving forward.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Best wishes,
