2 week urgent referral worry

I found a hard lump in my breast 2 weeks ago . I saw a doctor and I was given a 5 day course of antibiotics and told to come back in 7 days.

I went back today for another appointment and the lump is still there , it feels a little tender too . She’s referred me as urgent on a 2 week referral  to the breast clinic . I was asked if I had any immediate holidays booked - I fly to Italy 4 weeks today  she made a note of this on my application 

my question is why was I asked this ? I’m really worried now .  From everyones experience would I likely have an appointment before 2 weeks ? 

  • You will generally be seen within the two weeks fast track. My experience of this fast track service was to have an appointment within the fortnight, be given a mamogram, meet with consultant have breast exam and ultrasound if necessary. It’s holiday season and breast care units will take that into account when making appointments. Your referral letter should give you a number to call if you don’t get an appointment through by a certain date - give them a ring to arrange your appt.  Hope this helps ,  I’d say try not to worry but know how difficult that is - just remember lumps in the breast can be for so many reasons.

  • Thankyou hopefully I will hear soon .I had a clear mammogram in January this year and the lump seemed to appear overnight so I’m hoping it’s just a cyst 

  • Hello Dixiedot and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear that you are having investigations for a breast lump.

    I would not read too much in to your GP asking when you are going on holiday. The GP just wanted to make a note of when you were going on holiday to avoid a clash with your urgent appointment. The breast clinic will try and fit you in as soon as possible but a lot will depend on how many people are waiting for appointments.

    Try not to over think it for now. The majority of women seen in breast clinics don't have cancer but if a GP is unsure what may be causing a lump they will refer you.

    Breast Cancer Now have some information about what to expect at a breast clinic

    I do hope that your appointment goes well.

    If you would like to talk to one of the helpline nurses then you are welcome to give us a call.

    Our number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.

    All the best,


  • Hi thanks / still not heard anything ,my nhs referral said to call them today if I heard nothing- I did phone annd the number was a booking centre  and was just told to wait and someone would call m ?  But that was just to get an appointment - not to be actually seen , I’m hoping it’s soon