Brain tumour worries

Hi have being getting pressure in my head for around three weeks now have being to the gp twice and he said he isn’t concerned I am more than certain this is a brain tumour and am absolutely petrified I don’t know what to do.

  • Hello Charlie1709 and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear that you are worried about your health. We can't diagnose you and if your symptoms continue then do go back and see your GP or another GP in the practice to get another opinion.

    I can't say what could be causing these symptoms. GP's have guidelines and I am sure having examined you thought there was no cause for concern.

    I am not sure whether there are other factors in your life that maybe causing this feeling of pressure such as a recent infection or a stressful situation in your life.

    Try and take plenty of rest with plenty of fluids and a healthy diet and if your symptoms don't improve then do go back to your GP.

    I do hope that you feel better soon.

    All the best,
