Low Grade DCIS


I have had a mammogram and two biopsies and I went from calcifications to atypia to low grade DCIS. My doctor has requested a breast MRI and then excision of the DCIS area of my breast. 

I am terrified that the MRI will show other parts have cancer or more serious cancer and that the biopsy will also show bigger area and invasive cancer. 

Is this possible, can the low grade DCIS they have found turn into much more invasive and serious stage, grade etc cancer? 

Thank you 

  • Hello and thanks for your post,

    I can understand how unsettling it is waiting for results but unfortunately no one can tell you any more until the doctors have got the results of the MRI and the biopsy back.

    It is really only the team involved in your care that can really comment on your situation. The doctors have been very thorough and it may well be that you are diagnosed with DCIS so try if you can not to over think it for now.

    Try if you can to keep busy and your mind on other things until you know more.

    You are welcome to ring and chat through any of this with one of the helpline nurses.

    Our number is Freephone 0808 800 4040.

    All the best,


  • Hi SK1985, I am a ten year breast cancer survivor. The initial tests and clarification of diagnosis are scary but so necessary for the breast care team to know exactly what they are dealing with and what will be your best treatment plan.  My overriding memory is of the dr doing the ultrasound telling me that the team would look after me - that was a great comfort for me and exactly what they did. The team will look after you. Your breast care nurse or The Breast Cancer Now website and their nurses on the helpline are are there to support you too and found them exceptionally good at calming my nerves when waiting for results. Wishing you all the best xx