
I recently had surgery to remove a grade 1 breast cancer. I was prescribed Tamoxifen but felt awful whilst taking it, swollen feet and ankles, terrible hot flushes and generally felt unwell. Is there an alternative I could be prescribed?

  • People vary in the side effects they may experience with tamoxifen. I'm not sure how long you have been taking it for. Hopefully as time goes on your symptoms may settle down.

    We always advise people who are thinking of stopping their hormone treatment to talk it over with their breast care team who know all about you and can help you to reach an informed decision about what would be best for you. There are other hormone treatments that your doctor could prescribe if needed.

    Breast Cancer Now have a forum where woman post different experiences. I see there is a thread dedicated to women coming off tamoxifen which you might find helpful to read.

    I hope things improve for you soon. Give us a ring if you would like to talk things over. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,


  • Hi Gray10, I have just finished taking tamoxifen after ten years. I found the brand I took made a tremendous difference to the side affects I had. For me teva was the best or tillomed. Wockart the worst. You can ask your dr to prescribe  a specific brand. There are other hormone therapies but each come with their own issues. Best to speak with  your breast care team who will be able to help you with any issues you are having. Best of luck xx

  • Thank you very much this information is very helpful. X