Ive been to the GP about abdominal pain, loss of appetite, weight loss, indigestion, tiredness and hes given me a blood test and stool sample, the stool sample has come back with blood. I have a strong family history of bowel cancer including my mum who was in her 40s (i am 35) .... my gp called me in yesterday to offer a rectal examination to which i refused but he says he will not refer me for a colonoscopy or any further testing until he has done a rectal examination, he also stressed the importance of me being referred and that i would be on the 2week wait list.. my question is is the rectal examination necessary for referal given my symptoms, positive fit test, family history and ive recently been treated by them (in last 6months) for low iron? .. is there any guidelines anywhere that i can refer to and show him. Hes actually refused to do the referal and ive been told to go back monday for an examination or leave it. He had my fit results since tuesday so will be almost a full week thats been added ontop of my wait.