Stage3 cervical cancer and spread to lymph nodes

Hi I am just wondering if anyone can help please. I had a colposcopy in march while doing it she told me there and then that it was cervical cancer. Took biopsy and anyway it came back that it was had a pet-scan and mri scan. Dr phoned me and told me that I had stage 3 and that she was referring me to another hospital were i would most probably have chemotherapy and radiotherapy so I done my research on what to expect and the side effects. As I have reminded positive about my diagnosis. Anyway goes today and am told that because the cancer is in my bladder,pelvis,cervix,womb, and bowel lymph nodes that it is not going to be treatable with chemotherapy and that they are testing the biopsy’s taking at the colposcopy to see if my immune system is strong enough for immunity treatment but this is were am confused because she told me even if I do have chemotherapy and immunity treatment i still won’t be cancer free as they are in to many of my lymph nodes 

Is this right or have i miss understood and if I get all the treatment I could be cancer free in the future 

very confused 

  • Hi Rachealc, and thank you for your post,

    I am sorry to learn of your situation, this must be a difficult time.

    When treatment is planned several things are taken into account such as the stage of the cancer (its size and how far it has spread) the grade (how fast-growing it is), and whether the cancer cells have specific proteins on their cells that will show if targeted and immunotherapy will be a suitable treatment.

    When a cancer has spread beyond its original site (cervix) to nearby lymph nodes it becomes more difficult to treat and although treatment aims to get rid of the cancer, there is unfortunately, a higher chance that the cancer will come back than if the cancer was just found in the cervix. I realise this may be difficult to take in and understand. The best person to clarify this with would be your specialist or nurse specialist as they know your situation and will know your treatment plan.

    We have more information about cervical cancer and the different treatments on our website. Please feel free to get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care, all the best
