Prostate cancer that's spread

My husband has prostate cancer that has metastatic prostrate cancer. Due to this he's on hormone treatment which he receives every six months. One of the problems is that 2-3 months before his injection he has many side effects, sweats, very low mood and a change in personality. Can anyone recommend a supplement he could take that may alleviate some of the side effects. He does not want to take antidepressants. Thanks. 

  • Hello and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear how the hormone injections are affecting your husband.

    Unfortunately hormones can cause some unpleasant side effects and we have an information page 'side effects of hormone therapy' on our website. 

    We advise patients considering taking supplements to ease side effects with their specialist doctor. Just to make sure it is safe to take them and to ensure they aren't going to cause any harm. 

    There is also a section about complementary therapies on our site, you may also find helpful to read.

    Some people find some sort of talking therapy such as counselling can help with low mood and depression, so do also talk this through with your husband if he doesn't want to try anti depressants.

    Do encourage your husband to let his team know about the side effects he is experiencing so they can best advise him in managing these.

    I hope this helps but please get back to us if you need or want to. We're also here on the helpline if you prefer on 0808 800 4040, 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,
