
Hi begin treatment on Monday for neuroendocrine tumor that started in bowel (small) metastasis to the liver and lympnodes

I was told I would be starting tablets for the timebeing but not sure which tablets, scared as I don't know what I'm starting will my oncology team,explain everything before they administer medication.

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    Yes your hospital team/hospital specialist nurse, should explain your treatment plan with you.

    Unfortunately, we don't know exactly which tablets these are, but there is general information about neuro endocrine tumour treatments on the About Cancer section of our Cancer Research UK website

    I hope that this helps, 

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Yours sincerely,
