Hearing loss and cisplatin

Hiya my husband has to have chemo after lobectomy but has tinnitus and hearing aids.

Doctor has asked him to choose between vinorelbine and cisplatin or vinorelbine and carboplatin and the information is so confusing

his tumour was removed but was 6cm non small cell but had not spread through lymph nodes.

Any views on which is best or will both work as well if he chooses carboplatin as hearing issues worsening less common on carboplatin.

Thank you


  • Hello and thanks for your post,

    I can understand what a difficult decision this must be for you both to make.

    All of the drugs listed are established treatments for non small cell lung cancer so there isn't a right or wrong answer in making your decision.

    We have some information on the different drug regimes which you can see on our website.

    We have more information on our website on Cisplatin. This drug can affect the hearing and can also cause tinnitus but this does not happen with everyone. It is important that your husband drinks plenty of fluid as it can be quite toxic to the kidneys. This will be monitored before each cycle with regular blood tests so the doctors and nurses will keep an eye on this.

    We have some information on our website about Carboplatin. This can also affect the hearing but not to the same extent as Cisplatin. It can affect the kidneys as well but this is an occasional side effect. With both drugs it is important to drink plenty of fluids (2-3 litres a day)

    You can see the information on vinorelbine here.

    Everyone reacts to drugs in different ways. The doctors do need to let you know about potential side effects to make you both aware. Your husband will be monitored with each type of treatment. There are different drugs that can  can be given to manage any side effects so it is important that your husband lets his team know how he gets on each time.

    The dose of drugs is calculated on a patients height and weight so the dose is specific for them. This dose can be reduced or stopped and in some cases changed if your husband is experiencing too many side effects.

    If your husband has a specialist lung nurse then he could talk this through with them. 

    It is difficult for me to help you make a decision as we are not involved in his care but it sounds like your husband's doctor is happy for him to have either regime.

    You are both more then welcome to ring and chat through any of this with one of the nurses on the helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the very best,
