Ultrasound showed possible breast cancer


im 50 years old healthy woman

found a lump in right breast 3 weeks ago

today had mammogram nothing seen but under ultrasound they found a lump (not a cyst) and did a biopsy. Doctor has told me it’s 90% likely to be cancer 

the ultrasound showed nothing elsewhere including lymph's

 obviously I’m freaking out and now long wait for the biopsy results next week

not sure there’s anything reassuring to be said but hoping it’s moderately positive that the Us saw nothing in lymph’s??

what do you think likely treatment is if it’s quite early stage which I’m praying it is?? And - spinning forward here - how do you cope on treatment side effects wise these days?

  • Hi.

    I am sorry to hear this. 

    I found a lump Easter weekend. I'm 39. I got the biopsy results on 19th April after a private biopsy. Its a 4.4cm grade 1 cancer. They have taken a mammogram and MRI on the nhs. They say lymph nodes appear clear on the ultrasound and MRI. 

    I had to have another MRI on my liver as they saw what they think is a cyst on my liver on my breast MRI so it's delayed my surgey whilst the results are awaited. I'm booked in for surgery on 26th June as I also have to stop taking the tamoxifen they prescribed 2 weeks before. They will do a lumpectomy and partial reconstruction as they'll have to take some skin as it's too close to the skin. 

    They will also take lymph nodes to check and test to stage the cancer and then I'm in for radiotherapy. 

    I hope this helps. I wish you all the best. X

  • Hello and thanks for your post,

    I can understand waiting for results can be very unsettling but try if you can not to think too far ahead until you know more.

    There are so many different tests that are done on breast tissue and until the doctors have all the information at their finger tips no one is going to be able to tell you any more.

    We have some more information on our website about getting diagnosed

    First the doctors need to establish that it is indeed a cancer. If you are diagnosed with breast cancer, treatment is very individual and will vary from person to person.

    Some patients just have surgery and hormone treatment whilst others may need chemotherapy and radiotherapy. We do have some information on our website about treatment decisions

    Try and take one step at a time. Stay away from the internet which is general and will not relate to your own situation.

    I do hope that you know more soon.

    If you would find it helpful to ring and chat through any of this with one of the nurses on the helpline then you are welcome to do so.

    Our  number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,


  • Thankyou all

    i will keep in touch

  • All the best for you too

    sounds like a pretty belt and braces treatment plan. I wish you the best with it 

  • Ps I’d love to hear how your journey goes 

    all the very best to you