oesophagus cancer

Hello everyone, 

I am at my wits and would really love some help. My father is 72 and was recently diagnose with oesophagus cancer. We are at very early stage of diagnosis. In the last couple of weeks his voice has changed - deeper. 

Also I notice he seems to be choking after eating. Some after a bite of food he would have coughing fits. How can I help him or what can he do to alleviate this, while he waits for treatment. 

What is this choking of coughing fit he is having? 

I know it is very early days but he appears to be in more discomfort  and taking copious amounts of Nurofen (400mg) every four hours for the past two weeks. He won't tell me extent of the pain etc because he not want to worry me but I can see he is suffering...  Is there another type of OTC which is more effective at pain relief. 

He says paracetamol does not help an Nurofen is on/off in alleviating pain. 

Thank you so much. Love&Light to all. 


  • Hi Lily my dad was diagnosed back end of March. He has had a stent fitted following an initial endoscopy.  We have spoken to a dietician about what foods to avoid ie no fatty meats. So hes going from soups blended vegetables. Ice cream cakes to get calories Has your dad been given a supplement drinks and I'd push to speak with a dietician. We were given a folder from mcmilian with lots of information after appointment with oncologist.  My dad is still losing weight and advised to eat anything rather than nothing as not much appetite. Also been given stronger pain relief but he's not keen on the side effects. Hopefully one of the admin will respond and direct you onto a nurse who can advise you about questions to ask etc. 

  • Hi Lilly-me and thank you for your post,

    I am sorry to learn of your father's diagnosis, this must be a difficult time for you all.

    It sounds like your father needs to speak with a doctor as soon as possible, especially as it sounds like he is in a lot of pain and is having to take a lot of Nurofen. Also unfortunately, having too many anti-inflammatory tablets like Nurofen can affect the stomach lining and cause bleeding, if taking them on an empty stomach or not having medication to protect it.

    A doctor can assess your father and prescribe medication that will help to control the pain and make sure he has medication to protect his stomach as well if needed.

    So do ask your father to make an urgent appointment with his GP. Or if this is difficult he could dial NHS 111 for advice or be seen in his local Accident and Emergency department.  

    He should also contact his hospital specialist for advice by ringing their secretary or nurse specialist (CNS) if he has one, so they are aware of how much pain he is in and that he is having difficulty swallowing as they may want to assess him at the hospital.

    I hope this helps a little, and that your father gets seen quickly. Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care,


  • Hello Jemma, 

    Thank you so much for the response which I have only just noticed today. He is at the diagnostic stage and the confirmation of the type of cancer, spread etc will come next week. 

    Is there anything I can do at home to alleviate his symptoms of pain and tiredness while we wait to go back to the hospital for the definitive diagnoses. 

    Thank you so much. 

    Kind regards, 


  • Hello and thanks for getting back to us again,

    I would get in touch with your dad's GP and see if there is any medication that they can prescribe to try and alleviate his pain and give him a restful sleep. It may be better having an alternative to nurofen which can be quite an irritant on the gut.

    We do have a page on our website about different types of painkillers.

    I do hope that you manage to speak to the GP soon.

    Do get back to us or give us a ring if you would like to talk things through.

    The nurses are here Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm and our helpline number is Freephone 0808 800 4040.

    All the best,
