oesophageal cancer

hi my girlfriend has had acid reflux for a while wakes up at night having coughing fits. Recently she has had sore throat and say hurts swallowing. Doctor took bloods today and rang this evening saying some markers were high indicating inflammation somewhere told her if she feels unwell go to A and E but other than that she said she going to ring hospital tomorrow. On examination the doctor could feel no lumps around the neck and felt no enlarged lymph nodes on physical examination. I can’t help but think she may have oesophageal cancer 

  • Hi Steve500 and thank you for your post,

    I am sorry to learn that your girlfriend is having symptoms that are causing you concern.

    Unfortunately, we cannot say what is the cause of her symptoms, but it is important to know that these can be caused by several things not necessarily cancer. I know it is alarming when the doctor says the markers are raised. I am unsure what markers they are referring to but having raised markers doesn't necessarily mean cancer, though it may mean your girlfriend needs further tests. 

    Hopefully, she will have more information soon. In the meantime try not to overthink things, continuing with everyday activities, such as going to work, can be a welcome distraction from worrying.

    I hope your girlfriend is OK, take care 
