Found a new lump on breast looks like a spot

Had a spot type thing on my breast for almost a year which has never gone, tonight I’ve noticed another one appear right next to it. I’m going to the gp but was wondering if this could be the start of something? Not sure what the signs are really..

  • Hello Amberbutterfly and thanks for your post,

    Whenever anyone complains of a lesion or spot that does not go away we always advise them to go to their GP so they can examine the area and give an opinion as to what it could be.

    We are not able to diagnose any one on the forum. As you have had the spot for so long it is unlikely to be anything too serious but do get it checked out.

    I can't also say what the new spot is but hopefully when you have seen the GP they will be able to put your mind at rest.

    I hope you know more soon.

    All the best,
