Prognosis for low grade endometrial stromal sarcoma?

What would be the likely prognosis if someone has Low Grade Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma and choses Letrozole for a first line treatment?

  • Hello Madrid_01 and thanks for your post,

    Endometrial stromal sarcoma is a rare cancer with an average of 79 cases diagnosed each year.

    I am afraid I can't say what the prognosis would be for someone who chose letrozole for first line cancer treatment. From what I can understand surgery is usually the first line of treatment. That really is a subject that needs to be answered by the doctors involved in a patient's care.

    There are other considerations when saying how well a patient is going to do on treatment which also includes their general health and how much of the womb is affected by the cancer.

    You can read more about endometrial stromal sarcoma on the Sarcoma UK website.

    Every new potential cancer patient is discussed in a formal meeting where all the doctors involved in a patient's care come to discuss a diagnosis and the best possible treatment based on research and clinical trials. I would follow the advice of the doctors involved in the patient's care.

    I hope this helps.

    If you would like to discuss any of this with one of the nurses on the helpline then you are welcome to give us a ring. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,
