Flat nipple

I am 50 years old and worried sick about getting cancer. I Google stories and symptoms and if I have anything wrong with me, I'm convinced I've got cancer. I currently have a flat nipple,e and am now terrified I have breast cancer. I read so many stories of people who are living with/and who have survived cancer and am in awe of their bravery, honesty and coping mechanism, but I genuinely believe if I get cancer, I would not be able to cope. Not sure if it's the menopause that's causing this overwhelming fear, or the fact cancer is everywhere, or the fact I'm getting older, but I like awake at night with thoughts going round and round in my head. I'm sorry if this sounds very self absorbed when so many people are living with cancer but this fear is taking over my life.

  • I feel exactly the same, its overwhelming most days, every slight symptom I think is cancer. 

    Health anxiety is scary. 

  • Hello Tallulah1 and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear about the anxiety you have about getting cancer. It sounds like it is really overtaking your life and it is important to try and get some help for this.

    I suggest arranging to see your GP so they can assess your breast just to make sure nothing is going on with the flat nipple. It is unlikely to be anything serious but it may be reassuring to get it assessed.

    Health anxiety is something that affects many people but finding coping strategies to manage these thoughts and feelings is really important. Anxiety UK has some information you may find useful to read.

    When you see your GP do also mention this anxiety and what you are most worried about. If you think the menopause is also triggering this mention this as well. I am sure they will want to try and help you through this as best they can.

    I hope you can get the support you need and feel better about things soon.

    Take care
