Cancer Vaccine

My mother has rectal cancer. She had a laser beam and chemotherapy sessions, then had an operation to remove the tumor. After that, a new tumor appeared near the site of the previous operation, and she underwent chemotherapy sessions again, which she finished a week ago. My question is, can my mother take the cancer vaccine? If yes, how do I get it because my mother oversea Please

  • Hello Nadra and thanks for posting

    As far as I'm aware the vaccine trial will eventually open for patients who are receiving cancer treatment on the NHS and some of the patients will be selected for tumour testing.

    As you can see in the highlighted information above Dr Victoria Goss , Head of Early Diagnosis and Translational Research at the SCTU (Southampton Clinical Trials Unit),says: “Patients with early or late-stage cancer who are receiving cancer treatment on the NHS will be able to have tumour samples sent to the laboratories for analysis. If their cancer contains mutations that may be suitable for use in a personalised cancer vaccine, then they may be eligible to enter screening for one of the vaccine trials.”

    I think that as your mother had treatment else where, it is probably unlikely that she would be selected. It does sound from the information that it is current patients that they will be recruiting and they will need access to their tumour samples.

    You are very welcome to give us a ring on our helpline to discuss any of this with one of the nurses.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,
