Can skin cancer cause…?

For a few years, I have been living (unknowingly) with Basal Cell Carcinoma on my arm. Last year the doctor did my BP and spotted it, she asked me to make another appointment to look at it closer. This shocked me, so I avoided it. Fast forward to January, I had it checked and there is a lump beneath the skin and I was told after it was examined it was BCC, I got put on Chemotherapy with Efudix twice daily for 4 weeks. It was reviewed at 6 weeks, and the nurse practitioner said it was “the wrong shade of red to be cancer” so I didn't need to be referred to have it removed.

I got a second opinion from the doctor who saw me and initially raised concerns. She saw the images I took throughout the chemotherapy and said that I needed them removed. 

I saw a dermatologist and she confirmed after looking at everything and the images and the site as well. She asked if the other areas had appeared before, during or after chemo. I said during. Since then two more have appeared, and I have it removed this Tuesday. 

But my question is, does skin cancer cause other symptoms like bowel issues (constipation and diarrhoea at the same time) or anything else?

I have had on going health issues and nobody can find a cause directly, so I am now wondering if it is all linked to this.

Thanks for your time and support,


  • Hello Thomas and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear about all the toing and frowing you have had to do in getting these basal cell carcinomas removed.

    Basal cell carcinomas tend to be very slow growing and rarely spread so are usually successfully treated. Unfortunately once you have had one you are prone to developing more over time, which will need more treatment.

    Generally speaking basal cell carcinoma type skin cancer don't cause other symptoms. More serious types of skin cancer such as melanomas can spread to other parts of the body and if and when it spreads to the bowels this could cause a change in bowel habits.

    Bowel changes can be caused for many reasons and most won't be the result of a cancer. However if these changes are ongoing you ought to mention it to your doctor so they can investigate further. It sounds like this may have been going on for some time though and if tests previously have ruled out anything serious, it may just be some irritable bowel syndrome (ibs).

    Try not to let your thoughts run away with themselves for now but do speak with your doctor when you can.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Best wishes,
