just had a colonoscopy

hi hope you are all as well as can be just wondering if someone could explain what the result of my colonoscopy was better to me please i know they have took a biopsy just do t really understand the colonoscopy report i got back it reads: 

Site C: An area wholly within the splenic flexure

- LEsIons:

1 sessile polyp (10mm) (Paris Ila + Ilc, pit type V).

-Specimens taken: Biopsy (2 to histology). Polypectomy (1 biopsy).


Colonic polyp(s).

Follow up

There was flat polyp at descending colon with central depression was not sure It any signs of malignancy so biopsies and tatted explained to patient that need to exclude malignancy. I will arrange week day sig with 4 units for removal. I did send biopsies as 2 WW..

Pathway plan

Patient informed? Yes

CNS/MDT informed No

Evidence of cancer? Unknown

  • Hello ellisd777 and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear you are undergoing tests at the moment and imagine this must be a worrying time for you.

    We cannot fully interpret test results without being directly involved in your care. However it seems from your report that an area of polyps (growths) were found during your colonoscopy. The doctor sent off some biopsies ( tissues samples) and one of the polyps during the procedure and are awaiting the results of these. 

    It also suggests that they are planning on removing the other polyps at a later date during another procedure. They cannot be sure whether cancer is present at the moment and only the histology reports will be able to confirm this.

    I hope this helps. Sit tight for now and try and take things one step at a time until you know more.

    I hope everything turns out okay for you and you know more very soon. Please get back to us if you need to. You are welcome to call us on 0808 800 4040 if you prefer, we are here 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Best wishes


  • thank you for you kind words does this mean they will be taking more biopsies when they remove the other polyps do you know as i thought they would of done them all while i was there last time,ive just spoke to the receptionist and my results are there but got to ring up tomorrow morning to see if i can get a telephone appointment with my gp surely if the results was bad would they of contacted me ?