Gastric cancer stage 4 - small metastasis lungs +liver

Hi :

My partner for 50 years lives in Chile and there,  the knowledge of possible therapies is limited.- At the present moment the only chance to survive a little more is Chemotherapy , a total Gastrectomy or Radiotherapy .-  She was unable to get a promissory Clinic Study because she is HER-2 negative ,and yesterday she was denied to get Immunotherapy because she is PD-L1 negative.- Any of the  3 aforementioned therapies are in stand by as she is recovering from a gastric bleeding 5 days ago.- 

Please, could anyone tell 2 questions:

1) is there any Immunotherapy compatible with PD-L1 negative ?

2) is there any other therapy available or Clinic Study  that could let my partner  live a little longer ?

Thank you in advance.-

Enrique Sr

  • Hello Enrique and thank you for your post,

    I am sorry to learn of your girlfriend's situation this must be a tough time for you both.  Cancer Research UK primarily funds research and clinical trials. We are not a treatment centre or have doctors here who can provide a medical opinion.

    We do have information on on immunotherapies for advanced stomach cancer which is written for people in the UK, but you may find it helpful.

    We cannot recommend a specific trial for your girlfriend, however, you may find it helpful to look at the ClinicalTrials.Gov website which lists trials that are happening in countries worldwide.

    I wasn't sure if you were thinking of your partner coming to the UK for treatment or a trial. We have information about coming to the UK for treatment  It can be difficult for patients from overseas to join trials in the UK. We have further information about this on our website .

    Although we are not able to recommend specific specialists or treatment centres, we are aware of two large NHS cancer treatment centres that may also consider treating private patients from overseas.

    These are The Royal Marsden Hospital (London) and The Christie Hospital (Manchester).

    I am sorry that we cannot help you more directly, but I hope the information at the links I have provided will be useful.

    Kind Regards,
