Breast lump feels tender


I've found a lump in my breast which is very tender when i put any pressure on it. It's roughly about the size of a small grape and feels very smooth. It seems to have appeared all of a sudden as i havnt noticed this discomfort or lump when in the shower. I'm panicking that's its something sinister and I'm unable to get a gp appointment, ive just been told to try again tomorrow. Can someone give me some advice? Would a cancerous lump usually cause pain?

  • Hello and thanks for your post,

    Pain is not normally a sign of breast cancer. If you are a younger woman, then it is far more likely to be due to a breast infection, breast cyst, or a fibroadenoma (fatty lump).

    There is information about benign (not cancer)  breast conditions  on the website of Breast Cancer Now charity.

    Sometimes, breast lumps can be more obvious around the time of your period (menstrual cycle). Do make a GP appointment, and they can advise you further about it.

    Hope this helps,

    Best wishes,
