Dandruff and slow bowel

Dear Nurses,

My father died of cancer, and I have already had polyps removed, but I have noticed at 45 years old that from almost nowhere that I have got severe dandruff (never had before now) and at the same time my bowl movements have changed from once a day to once a week sometimes twice.

Thank you for your time in advance,

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    These are not particularly symptoms of cancer, and there is information about dandruff on the NHS Website

    You can ask your local pharmacist for shampoo products that will help.

    There is also good NHS advice about preventing constipation.

    Try and drink 2 to 3 litres of fluid a day, and have daily fresh fruit and vegetables. If you worrying about your bowel pattern, or anxious about your health generally, then do talk this over with your GP. 

    I hope this is useful, 

    Best wishes,
