Radiotherapy for over 65s

During my first consultation with the oncologist after a lengthy talk about radiotherapy given by the MacMillan nurse, he mentioned that  older women with breast cancer 'are no more likely to be cured if they proceed with radiotherapy but do have a lower risk - approximately 10% at 10 years with observation only reducing to 1% following post-operative radiotherapy '. My family are prevailing on me to reconsider the 5 rounds I will receive next week. I'm still going ahead with the treatment but can't help wondering if they are right.

  • Hello and thank you for your post,

    I am sorry to learn that you have breast cancer .

    I can appreciate it is difficult when deciding whether or not to have treatment after surgery. It is also hard because no one can say how you are going to feel with the treatment and this brings some uncertainty.

    There is no clear right or wrong decision and what you decide is the right one for you at the time you make it. People make different choices for different reasons, and it is also about what the percentages the doctors have provided mean to you, and what is going to give you the most peace of mind.

    I know you have spoken with your specialist, but it may also be worth having a chat again with your breast nurse specialist, as they know your situation.

    There is also some helpful information about making treatment decisions on the Macmillan Cancer Support website.

    I hope this helps a little,

    Take care, all the best
